
Green party
Green party

green party green party

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green party

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 20540 USA A number of Greens around the United States hold positions on the municipal level, including on school boards, city councils and as mayors." - Summary retrieved on Octo The GPUS had several members elected in state legislatures, including in California, Maine and Arkansas. In April 2016, the party also reached out to Bernie Sanders and his supporters with the aim of exploring some way to collaborate his progressive revolution within the Green Party of the United States. It also focusses on tapping the 50% of independent Americans who are neither registered Democrats nor Republicans. In 2016, the Green Party of the United States is agitating for right of the American public to obtain equal access to party's message through mainstream media and also inclusion in the Presidential debates. The degree of Nader's impact on the 2000 election remains controversial.

green party

Nader was vilified by many Democrats and even some Greens, who accused him of spoiling the election for Al Gore, the Democratic candidate. The Greens gained widespread public attention during the 2000 presidential election, when the ticket composed of Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke won 2.7% of the popular vote. The ASGP had increasingly distanced itself from the G/GPUSA in the late 1990s. After its founding, the GPUS soon became the primary national green organization in the country, eclipsing the Greens/Green Party USA (G/GPUSA), which formed in 1991 out of the Green Committees of Correspondence (CoC), a collection of local green groups active since 1984. The GPUS was founded in 2001 as the evolution of the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP), which was formed in 1996. On the political spectrum the party is generally seen as left-wing, and in 2016 officially self-described as an 'eco-socialist' party. The party, which is the country's fourth-largest by membership, promotes environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice, participatory grassroots democracy, gender equality, LGBT rights, anti-war and anti-racism. "The Green Party of the United States (GPUS or Greens) is a green and progressive political party in the United States.

Green party